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Medical malpractice: Negligence can lead to fatal outcomes

It is always a devastating time when a person’s worst nightmare comes true. Though each person may have his or her own worst case scenario, for some, that event could involve instances of medical malpractice that lead to the loss of loved ones. Unfortunately, numerous individuals are affected by these tragic circumstances.

In particular, negligence can cause considerable complications and potentially fatal outcomes. Connecticut readers may be interested in such a situation that affected an out-of-state family. Reports indicated that a 32-year-old man had been taken to the hospital in 2015 due to having an immensely swollen leg. It was later determined that the man had a bacterial infection and was admitted to the critical care unit of the hospital.

During his stay there, the man’s condition worsened, reaching a point where he even suffered toxic shock syndrome and developed cellulitis. Nonetheless, the hospital discharged the man. His family then took him to a different hospital the next day where he was also placed in critical care and later died. The family believes that the staff at the first hospital were negligent in their care of the man, and have filed a lawsuit against the facility.

Medical malpractice is a serious situation to address, and when a family member dies as a result of negligence, it can be difficult for surviving loved ones to accept. In hopes of achieving compensation and some sense of justice, Connecticut families who have faced similar circumstances may want to consider their legal options. Consulting with knowledgeable attorneys could help interested parties determine their best courses of action for addressing wrongdoing.

Source:, “Woman files wrongful death suit against Lompoc Valley Medical Center“, Gina Kim, May 26, 2018