Personal Injury Lawyers Fighting
to Maximize Your Recovery

New Haven Failure To Diagnose Lawyer

Doctors have a responsibility to accurately diagnose your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment. When they fail to do so, treatable ailments are left to grow into serious medical conditions that can have severe long-term impacts on your health. If you are suffering in any way because of a medical professional’s failure to properly diagnose your condition, you may have grounds to pursue a medical malpractice claim, according to our experienced New Haven failure to diagnose lawyer.

Doctors and the medical facilities they work for will do anything they can to avoid being held accountable for the harm they cause to their patients. They will often attempt to hide behind best practices and claim that any other doctor would have come to the same conclusion under the same circumstances. A qualified medical malpractice lawyer can help cut through the red tape and work to ensure that your interests are protected.

Diligently Pursuing The Best Available Outcome For Every Client

At the Law Office of Carl A. Secola, Jr., LLC, we are New Haven medical malpractice lawyers. Some of our earliest victories, decades ago, involved complex medical malpractice claims. We have learned a great deal about the medical professional’s duty of care to their patients, and we are passionate about obtaining justice for patients whose well-being has been jeopardized because of medical negligence or failure to give the correct medication. The New Haven medication error attorneys from our firm work tirelessly to obtain full compensation to accommodate the current and future losses that victims suffer because of inaccurate diagnoses by medical professionals.

Our team of New Haven failure to diagnose attorneys have experience representing clients in all types of misdiagnosis cases, including those involving:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Infection

Contact Our New Haven Failure to Diagnose Lawyers Discuss Your Medical Malpractice Claim

Contact the New Haven failure to diagnose attorney from the Law Office of Carl A. Secola Jr., LLC discuss your misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose claim. We represent clients throughout the New Haven area and across Connecticut. You can schedule a free initial consultation by calling 203-891-5265 or contacting us.